The Legacy and Tradition of Stanhope Pendants
Posted by Mel on 12/15/2012 to
Stanhope Jewelry & Gifts
John Benjamin Dancer made the original microphotograph in 1851 but it required a microscope to view the tiny picture since it was the size of a pin. This problem was solved by Britain's René Dagron in 1857. Dragon discovered that by attaching small photos or microphotographs to an altered small cylindrical Stanhope lens it allowed the jewelry owner to view the photo without the need for a microscope. This winning combination was coined Stanhope jewelry by Dragon and pendants began to sell all over the world.
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Stanhope Jewelry: Charming the World Since the Mid 1800s
Posted by Bryan on 12/12/2012 to
Stanhope Jewelry & Gifts
Amazingly miniaturized, peephole sized image charms seemed to have followed quickly upon the new-found public fascination and popularity of photography in the mid-19th century. These exquisite charms were named for the Third Earl of Stanhope, Charles (1753-1816) even though he had nothing to do with their invention. He is credited with inventing the Stanhope Lens that was a hand-held viewer used to magnify the view of an object under its lens.
Summer is Hot at Stanhope Jewelry
Posted by mws on 10/20/2012 to
Stanhope Jewelry & Gifts
Summer has brought beautiful birthstone colors in our Stanhope Jewelry collection. Bright, vibrant and cheery Genuine Swarovski Elements crystal colors accent our stanhope pendants and necklaces. Throughout the year we offer our Birthstone Jewelry at 10% off. One month prior to the birth month, all selected Birthstone Jewelry is available at this special price. We are now celebrating
New Stanhope Jewelry website and store
Posted by on 7/13/2011 to
New and Improved Stanhope Jewelry Company website!